new people
我是new people in this website. Does any one can help me to download the plane?Here on the forum, everything is described in steps, how and what to do to download. you can use internet key word you like plane mod +x plane. ex:B747 X plane. you will find many free or need pay plane, and than download the mod packege(usually .rar) uncompress copy→xplane>Aircraft>Extra Aircraft orLaminar Research(you can Paste both Folder any one ),should can successful add new plane
but you need notice package support version(ex:x plane 9,x plane 10) 感谢楼主的无私奉献!!! 感谢楼主的无私奉献!!! 感谢楼主的无私奉献!!! 感谢楼主的无私奉献!!! 感谢楼主的无私奉献!!! 感谢楼主的无私奉献!!! 感谢楼主的无私奉献!!!