GTX960 vs 1080
very interesting conclusions
Cpu is still more important But with a powerful GPU it is possible to handle the antialiasing and visual effects better of course, my intention was to call the attention because many people still focus on GPU for flight simulation. did you get better fsp with a powerfull gpu like 1080 11gb But if the compared GPUs are changed to GTX1080 vs GTX 660 instead of 960? :lol
A good CPU is important, yet a good GPU still matters... hey, if you have some 4k textures in the cockpit or ground scenery, then GPU/VRAM means everything!! static/image/common/user_online.gif toto117 static/image/common/clock.gif 2019-11-30 21:01
did you get better fsp with a powerfull gpu like 1080 11gb
Definitely :lol :lol :lol Actually, I think Prepar3D is more a CPU based application, but yeah, it makes sense, if your GPU isn't good enough, you won't go anywhere I think VRAM is very important when you install many addons