System Specs
Hey people, I just got a new laptop for studying and I would like to know how P3dv4 would perform and which addons would it support.Its an acer Nitro i5 9300H, 8gb ram and 4gb GTX1650.
Thanks for the advice
Please answer something hey Hi, your setup is fine as long as you don't exceed your vram limit which is low I don't recommend laptops for flight simming, not even the gamer ones For X-Plane in special, you will be cpu limited so better watch out for the settings that affect cpu the most I have an older generation laptop but performance is only a bit less than you. P3D runs like crap unless you want to turn down your settings and apply cfg commands but in most cases that will causa slow loading textures autogen static/image/common/user_online.gif doge static/image/common/clock.gif 2020-05-22 00:54
For X-Plane in special, you will be cpu limited so better watch out for the settings that affect cpu ...
I have to disagree with you on this one