toto117 Publish time 2019-09-30 23:03:44


Dernière édition par toto117 sur 2020-04-06 00:55

Hey there i will explain how this web site works for new members.

There are 2 differnet web site one is to get plane for fsx ,prepa3d and x plane
and the other is to discuss with the community.

First web site : ,this web site is the master web site where you can get the planes or upload them and
discuss with the community about the planes.
The probleme is that the web site is in chineses but i find a solution download google chrome and add the google translate plugin,that is working good   (google translate is your friend)
with that it's going to be easy understandinghow it works.

Second web site :,this web site is more like a chat forum.In this one you won't be able to download plane or upload planes
In this web site you will be able to choose the language where your from.

The 2 web site are linked between each other ,you are going to have the same ID and Password for the 2 web site   it"s important for the futur.

The web site where you can download planesfor FSX PREPA3D OR XPLANE but to get those plane you
must pay for it with the money of the site:THE FUCKING "FLYB"!! when you are new you are at 0 flyb and to get somme you need to be active on forum, to gain point and flycoin you have to comment posts or create posts on the forum.(at each post or post creation you will be rewarded)

You have to reach a level of 10 flycoin (minimum balance for exchange is 10 flycoin's money).At this momment you need more flycoin to exchange it into FLYB.

yougot 15 flycoin you want exchange it for FLYB for that you are going to take jus 5 flycoin to exchange it into 5flyb
because if you getting under 10 flycoin the exchange wont work. 15-5= 10 ok
                                                                                              15-6=9 not ok
Now i will explain how to exchange flycoin into flyb

Go on ,log in, go on top of the pagewhere you infos are, click on point, a window will open showing the exchange machine, select how many flyb you want, select flyb, enter your password and press exchange

Now it will exchange flycoin into flyb ,after that the flyb money is going to be transfert to where you can buy planes if you have enough FLYB to buy it

just follow the steps on the pictures

in the following pictures i put the point gridwith what you can get FlyB

Feel free to share and comment :):):)

toto117 Publish time 2019-10-01 01:26:28

some flyB'sss

ckd1552415 Publish time 2020-03-11 00:48:26

Nice help bro, thank you so much!

akiles9502 Publish time 2019-10-07 05:42:07

for the info

toto117 Publish time 2019-10-05 01:04:12

hope it help you

toto117 Publish time 2019-10-02 03:18:26

keep me posted

toto117 Publish time 2019-10-01 01:18:57


toto117 Publish time 2019-10-01 01:24:48


antonyroma Publish time 2019-10-04 09:02:47

it does work. Thank you very much

alireza.kish Publish time 2019-10-05 23:42:07


akiles9502 Publish time 2019-10-07 05:41:50

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