To all Fliers:
Just one to inform everyone that many of the Milviz aircraft for P3D are now freeware. This includes aircraft for P3Dv2v/3/v4/5 etc. Some of th aircraft are P180, Cessna 310R,Boeing 737-200C,, A-1H Skyraider, both Phantoms (F-4E, F-4JS), T38 Advanced Redux, B407 Helo, the Baron B55 etc. There are a total of 25 aircraft to choose from. Some of these aircraft need keys to install; however Milviz provides these keys, free. you can Google the words Milviz Freebies.. For x plane 11 and 12, The aerobask Robin DR401 ICD155 is free; great aircraft, as well as the ZIBO 737-700, 800 as well. You have to login in to X plane .org, to obtain these two aircraft; acutally just google ZIBO fo the 737. It's really x planes' most populare freeware. there are other aircraft such as the X crafts E175/E195 Embraer jets, Version 2.5. Note these aircraft were a gift to x plane 11, so you can go to x plane. org. I sincerely hope this information will be of value to Pcfiler memebers.; Take care everyone, and keep flying.