AHAFlier Publish time 2020-05-22 05:44:55

that is a no go i guess XD

AHAFlier Publish time 2020-05-22 05:46:26

static/image/common/user_online.gif samuelgl static/image/common/clock.gif 2020-05-21 05:20
x-plane got better physics i guess

Depends on plane from what i have read

sekusu Publish time 2020-05-23 20:37:18


AHAFlier Publish time 2020-05-24 02:10:53

static/image/common/user_online.gif sekusu static/image/common/clock.gif 2020-05-23 20:37


s4nt0ss Publish time 2020-06-01 06:28:00

Xplane, physics

AHAFlier Publish time 2020-06-04 09:34:00

static/image/common/user_online.gif s4nt0ss static/image/common/clock.gif 2020-06-01 06:28
Xplane, physics

p3d physics are like on rails

Mprata Publish time 2020-06-07 07:49:13


noone_bling Publish time 2020-06-22 22:07:18

XPlane is better in terms of graphics. For a user who have been simming on P3D or FSX, it is very hard to get adjusted to the camera settings of XPlane

noone_bling Publish time 2020-06-22 22:07:45

static/image/common/user_online.gif doge static/image/common/clock.gif 2020-05-19 00:25
P3D has more payware airliners and also better addons for visuals, shaders and clouds.


ticcy12 Publish time 2020-06-23 01:35:43

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