Publish time 2021-03-26 23:51:12
As newbie, I really like X-Plane. Never got into P3D.
Publish time 2021-03-31 08:24:50
neither fsx
Publish time 2021-07-31 18:16:53
If you can, get both. P3d for the planes, and XP11 for the modularity and ease of use. The newer unbreakable SASL security does mean that you wont be getting newer planes and updates but what's there is decent content IMHO. And XP11 doesn't require installers, just dragging and dropping files, something I really appreciate.
Publish time 2021-08-03 01:28:02
p3d has more options
Publish time 2022-04-02 19:24:29
i like prepar3d more than xplane 11 because of the addons
Publish time 2022-04-06 03:57:19
I think msfs2020 will beat them in the future, but I prefer xplane
Publish time 2022-04-07 06:30:41
thx :):):):):):):):):)
Publish time 2022-05-14 15:27:45
P3D, but that's more because I'm just used to the FSX/P3D way of things ;)
With the bigger name addon developers like PMDG going MSFS, I suspect that this will be the "way of the future".
Publish time 2022-05-14 16:50:15
P3D is better in graphics
Publish time 2022-05-16 17:17:39
P3D has more payware airliners and also better addons for visuals, shaders and clouds. Its better for me