toto117 Publish time 2020-08-18 03:03:14
P3DV1V2V3V4V5+FSX+FSX SE+XPLANE=MFS 2020JuanFlyer Publish time 2021-01-06 15:52:36
P3D for sure for nowJuanFlyer Publish time 2021-01-06 15:53:02
But the future is for MFS 2020harryinfxb Publish time 2021-01-31 10:30:10
I think x-plane 11 is what just better, but the GSX in p3d is just amazing, hopefully GSX can also develope a x-plane versionlucabeagle Publish time 2021-02-02 16:44:59
Smisel Publish time 2021-03-02 00:56:53
P3D; better for study level simflyboyca2 Publish time 2021-03-06 03:02:21
Why not use both? Each has its own advantages.chiminho Publish time 2021-03-07 21:17:38
p3d is good for airliners, in xplane you cant really do anything other than ga.raphavasi Publish time 2021-03-11 11:17:41
X-Planeluuphulam123 Publish time 2021-03-13 14:13:03
I think P3d is much more addon and supported compare to the X-plane. My personal plan is to stick with P3dfor the next 2 years then move to MSFS. :)